
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Property division case

Here are the results of a recent appellate decision in Illinois about property division in divorce.

In re: the Marriage of Oden , No. 4-08-0687 (4th Dist. Sept. 21, 2009) POPE (Calhoun Co.) Affirmed.

The trial court did not abuse its discretion when it awarded the husband 52% of bank account which contained proceeds from husband's personal injury settlement. The court said the trial court's review of relevant factors was proper for the court to arrive at "just distribution"; here, 30-year marriage, including 20 years after injury, and settlement was paid jointly to parties 15 years prior to dissolution.


roymanseras said...

It's good to hear about this news on property division in Illinois. Laws on divorce really improves from time to time.

cordell said...

Family disputes such as divorce or separation can be an emotional and chaotic time of your life - especially when there are children involved.

Cordell & Cordell